An organisation embarking on the development or the deployment of a new strategy needs to engage effectively with the stakeholders that may influence, or be impacted by, this strategy.

The engagement process can seek and deliver several outcomes:

  • raise awareness among a large and diverse audience,
  • build collective intelligence from diverse insight and viewpoints,
  • identify expectations, issues and controversies,
  • incorporate public values and concerns in decision-making,
  • reach consensus on key decisions and initiatives,
  • gain momentum and support  for action.

O'Future can support your organisation through this process with a range of services including:

  • Stakeholder analysis, an essential prerequisite to understand who matters and why
  • Design, planning and implementation of engagement processes (consultation, dialogue, participatory decision-making, foresight workshops)
  • Meetings and workshops facilitation
  • Production of communication and outreach material (reports, briefs, presentations)

O'Future's added value to these services results is an ability to comprehend and manage the roots of potential blockages through understanding the representations, drivers and objectives that underpin stakeholders' positions.